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    Defend your Fields. Protect Your Yields!



    When applied in-furrow, Averland FC and Viloprid 4 deliver targeted protection at-plant through critical early stages of crop development.


    Compatible with micronutrients, liquid fertilizers, and other crop inputs for flexible hassle-free, ease-of-use.


    Won’t gum up lines and nozzles resulting in increased operational efficiency.


    Easy to handle, low use rate with an excellent safety profile.


    Averland FC is the only liquid abamectin product labeled in-furrow on cotton.


    Viloprid 4 is locally systemic with translaminar activity for in-season control of thrips.

    See the results

    Info Sheets
    Active Ingredient Content

    Averland FC: 0.7 lb abamectin/gal

    Viloprid 4: 4 lb imidacloprid/gal


    Important: AVERLAND FC IS A RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDE. Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Vive Crop Protection, Inc. products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. Velum® is a registered trademark of Bayer Group. Allosperse®, Averland®, AZteroid®, Precision Chemistry™, Viloprid®, and the Vive Crop Protection® logo are trademarks of Vive Crop Protection. ©2025 Vive Crop Protection Inc.